Think you have seen this before, but this happens to be my dinner tonight. While we were away last week, we were thinking of food we get back home! One of the food we saw was Nasi Lemak, but it was selling for like AUD6-8, (in a open air market some more) a bit hard to swallow.
It also happened that our stomachs still has not adjusted back to local time. I was totally famished at 6 PM, despite snacking on Meiji Plain Crackers at 5. SMS-ed sis if she wanted dinner, she said yes, and she was also so hungry.
So on the way home, we had takeaways. 2 packs of Nasi Lemak.
For both packs, we had the chicken wings. The chicken wings always taste good. Especially if they are freshly fried. If not, wait for it. hehe..
I think most people order differently when they go to Fong Seng, most people seem to top it with different kinds of the fried stuff. We always have 1 fried chicken wing and 2 vegs.
The pack above had chilli lady fingers and long beans (hidden).
The pack below also had lady fingers, but with achar.
Satisfied our cravings. ;-p
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