On Friday, a colleague said let's go for more authentic style Sarawak Kolo Mee. He says must be one cooked by someone who originates from Kuching and you can order in the Kuching lingo and they understand you. (haha.. he was hitting at this famous chain, where you try to order in the Kuching lingo, and they stare at you blankly).
Colleague has eaten quite a few times and as he and store owners are fellow Sarawakians, they bond well. haha.. I kinda like the texture of the noodles. Colleague said the noodles are imported from JB where there's a factory that produces the noodles up to the Sarawakian specification. (haiyo!)
Another colleague who prefers Sarawak Laksa ordered this.
It's the way most Kolo mee taste in Kuching, and not localised to local taste buds kind. If you like it authentic style, try this. If you like it localised with Abalone, go to the localized taste stall. haha...
This was recommended by a Sarawakian.
Blk 130, Jurong East. (just beside CPF, it's a small little stall in the kopitiam).
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