The duck was not there the first day. So I tried it. Quite yummy, you should know that I seem to like duck nowadays. Actually the roast pumpkin behind the duck is yummier!
No red tulang, but the lamb was cooked in soya today. Regretting not having it on the first day!
Things that were the same was the spicy prawns. The prawns got bigger the next day! 3 of it filled almost the whole plate.
This too remained. You guessed it! I had it again.
The Mee Suah was replaced with Bak Chor Mee the 2nd day. A few of us thought that it tasted very good! The minced pork sauce was very delicious!
I tried the Pulut Hitam. Yesterday it was something else I think, yellowish stuff that I did not bother. LOL. Not too bad. I think its ok, but colleague said it is a tad too liquidy.
Those who like Or Nee took it. I am not a fan of it, this is someone else's food on the same table. LOL. There were lots of traditional kueh muih (those really multi coloured bright kuehs! eg, Ang Ku Kueh, Gao Teng Kueh, the different puluts with purple, green etc) and biscuits.
Our table shared a fruit rojak. It was hard to imagine lai chee, grapes etc with Hay Kor (Prawn paste) right? But it turn out to be very very tasty! You should try it!
We were wondering how much it was too, since it came with the course fees, we had to dig dig to find out. We found the brochure. $28 per adult (Mon-Fri), $29.50 per adult (Sat, Sun, eve of & on Public Holiday), $18 per child (5-11 years old). Remember to add the taxes in too.
Not bad lah. Our colleagues and I, we were glad we passed and got certified to be ISO9001 auditors. LOL
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